
  • UX/UI Design
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Renini is a family business that has been successfully establishing itself in the fashion world for over 30 years, synonymous with top-quality and elegance in the offering of women's footwear, clothing, and fashion accessories. With a commitment to quality and a unique style, they have become a popular destination for fashion lovers seeking something special. Their collections are carefully selected and always in step with the latest trends, as they work closely with the most renowned Italian women's fashion brands.

My Role

Since they wanted to refresh their website and showcase their unique offerings, I assisted them with the designs. I created a modern online store that reflects the latest trends while maintaining the brand characteristics that make it so special. My work was not limited to an aesthetic overhaul; I also focused on improving the user experience, ensuring intuitive navigation, and optimizing for various devices, enabling customers to easily access the products they desired.

Project date: 2021

Type: UX/UI design
Technology used: Figma
Renini Website Renini Website Renini Website
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